Monday, May 30, 2022

Why subsidies cause low salaries and high rent

low wages caused by devaluing of currencies. high rent, caused by devaluing currencies also. low wages helps employers. high rent helps property owners. employers and property owners are rich people. Rich people get richer as currencies devalue. poor people keep money in currencies, not properties, so currency devalue, means less money for the poor. 

Why currencies devalue? Subsidies. Subsidies help the rich more and encourage waste. Why? Because a poor person has no money to buy anything no matter how cheap they are. Only rich can buy even more subsidies items.

 Subsidies are expensive and use up treasury savings, in foreign currencies, used to import necessities. With less foreign currencies, government still print a lot of local currencies, for less imported items, thus devaluing currencies.

The solution, well tested in Venezuela and Zimbabwe, and many others, is dollarization. Use foreign currencies for salaries, not local currencies. Then you can pay your rent in dollars.

The fact is, all poor countries have lots of subsidies, thus causing devaluations of local currencies. This includes Malaysia.

Singapore's strategy is simple. Increase salary in world currency, but no subsidy. Singapore dollar is pegged to the US dollars, and salaries are increased. No development target, unlike Malaysia and all other poor countries. Even the former PM, Goh Chok Tong, disagreed with increasing salary, resulting in less development, but fortunately obeyed the wishes of the voters. So it was luck that Singapore became a quasi developed nation.

With a slight change in policy, Singapore will join the poor nations, just by devaluing currencies to increase exports, and using subsidies to control inflation because of higher import prices, which ALL poor nations, especially Malaysia follow. The rich resources of Malaysia, oil palm and petroleum, mostly from Sabah, had not made Malaysia a developed nation, and will never be, if it continues the practises of poor nations, not that of developed nations.

All developed nations have high value currencies and no subsidies on consumer goods. Instead of subsidies, developed nations give direct cash to residents, except Singapore.

That is why Singapore is not considered developed. Singapore's high salaries attract foreign workers, but locals cannot compete for jobs so had to migrate. Without job in Singapore, you die, because no cash support from the government, unlike ALL developed nations.

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