Tuesday, May 24, 2022

How rich nations exploit willing poor nations

Malay Mail: DAP MP urges Putrajaya to lift ban on renewable energy exports.

(She said on October 25 last year, the Singapore government announced that it will import up to four GW of low-carbon RE by 2035.

"This is a potential export market that if captured fully, we will be able to attract RM6 billion in private investment and create around 50,000 jobs in Malaysia.)

A smart move by Singapore. As usual, developed nations thrive by exploiting poor nations that want to be exploited by having subsidies to benefit the rich in these poor countries such as Malaysia.

The fact is very certain and clear, ALL poor countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, have subsidies. Whereas ALL developed nations, like Singapore and Hong Kong(previous system), have no subsidies.

Another fact, which I dismissed previously, is that ALL poor nations have weak currencies whereas ALL rich nations, Singapore and Hong Kong, have strong currencies, even pegging to the US dollar. I was mistaken because Hong Kong used to have weak currencies but I just found out that Hong Kong actually peg its currency to the US $. So now, I am sure ALL rich nations have strong currencies.

Subsidies benefit the rich more so the economy suffers so its currency will drop, benefiting the rich even more, but destroying the nation. Why would the rich want to destroy their own nations/home? Because the rich can travel to developed nations to enjoy higher quality of lives. I used to think that the rich invest overseas to escape corruption, but now I may be wrong, because there is limited entertainment, medical and recreational activities among poor people.

Luxury items are viable and much cheaper in rich nations because they can repair, more spare parts,  more people own luxury items or even state of the art technology like 8K TV. 

Rich nations benefit a lot by these foreign rich people from poor countries but also benefit by importing resources sold for cheap by the poor nations, because of low salaries and prices, in poor nations.

With these double benefits, what incentives do developed nations in educating poor and corrupt nations from removing subsidies? The economists in rich  do not elaborate on the need to remove subsidies. If poor people in poor nations wish to be poor and exploited through their own free will, why should the rich people bother?

Is it good for the world? There are lots of conspiracy theories, such as free mason, zionists, that want power to rule the world. What for?

After studying the antivax and anti climate disaster propaganda, I just realise that they are targeting stupid people, corrupt because of greed people, so that these people will die faster, through pandemics, poverty and riots.

The world will be better with less people, just as Thanos has tried in the Avengers movies. I do not think it is for power. It is cheaper and faster to spread falsehood than gain power, to kill the most number of people.

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