Thursday, August 29, 2024
Thursday, November 2, 2023 disappeared disappeared
I had my account blocked by mistake and when they gave me my antoleporeATgmailDOTcom account back but today I noticed that my BLOG disappeared
How should I do it?
I can't recreate it from scratch and there was no option to make a backup!
Help me!!!
How should I do it?
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Stupidities of using PPP to compare countries
(In order to make cross-country comparisons, it is important to make adjustments based on the currency exchange rates as well. The PPP model does just this. It arrives at a theoretical exchange rate at which you can buy the same amount of goods and services across countries. The value of GDP at PPP is then calculated using this theoretical exchange rate.)
PPP is just a stupid theoretical value devoid of any real basis. Just hunches, whereas true GDP is based on real currencies. Do you import a car or raw materials using PPP theoretical money? Not at all. So what is the point of using PPP then?
Real GDP in BRICS are destroyed by subsidiaries making prices appear low so PPP is used. Still not convinced? Take for example the price of petrol. Real price is rm4,but in Malaysia it is sold at rm2 per litre. It means that PPP for Malaysia is double the real GDP calculated using real currencies.
Not really but close to double because energy subsidies affect so many things, including salaries of workers. To make matters worse, the human slavery practises of Malaysia contributes to the low real GDP but so called high PPP. Just take a look at the salaries of the contract doctors and their terms of employment. Worse than ordinary clerks despite requiring huge amount of training and skills, compared to clerks. So much talk about salaries based on skill and productivities. These are all lies.
The same with India and China.
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Kesan Kenaikan Bunga Pinjaman di Korea Selatan
Ekonomi S. Korea. Joe Blog ini bagus sebab dia bagi nombor jadi kita boleh periksa. Penganalisa ramai yang buat rumusan saja tapi sekali aku periksa, tidak masuk akal pun.
Rumusan penganalisa, termasuk Joe Blog ini, menggunakan pengetahuan yang mereka di ajar di dalam buku teks, dan aku pun begitu. Mula mula aku percaya saja, tapi sekarang aku sangsi.
Tengok inflasi di Korea. Nampak lebih tinggi dari Malaysia, tapi di Malaysia penipu. Inflasi di kawal dengan sabsidi. Sabsidi ini yang menghancurkan ekonomi Malaysia dengan menghancurkan GDP negara. Korea di paksa oleh IMF supaya tidak membazir duit rakyat dengan sabsidi, tapi sekarang menjadi negara maju, jauh meninggal Malaysia sekarang. Pada hal, sewaktu konon nya penjajahan British, Malaysia jauh lebih maju dari Korea dan Taiwan. Sekarang, Malaysia semakin mundur, dan akan menerima nasib Turki dan Pakistan tidak lama lagi.
Joe Blog ini lah yang bagi rumusan bahawa inflasi Pakistan tidak betul sebab sabsidi. Inflasi sebenar, iaitu tolak sabsidi, jauh lebih tinggi, setinggi Sri Lanka dan Turki sudah. Malaysia tidak lama lagi lah akan mengikut jejak negara bangrup ini.
Sri Lanka baru saja hapuskan sabsidi minyak dan makanan, dan tiada sudah cerita kekurangan makanan dan minyak di Sri Lanka. Sebenarnya, Sri Lanka menjadi maju seketika sewaktu menghapuskan sabsidi, tapi memberi wang terus kepada orang miskin, bukan sabsidi, tahun 1970an.
Banyak tulisan ilmiah yang aku baca tentang ini di Sri Lanka, termasuk dari sifat keutamaan Budha yang menyokong pemberian duit terus, bukan sabsidi. Macam quran juga lah, tapi sami ini buat kajian dari segi etika ugama Budha.
Tetapi, mulai tahun 1980s, setelah Sri Lanka menjadi maju, tukar pula kepada sabsidi. Mampus ekonomi mereka. Pengundi yang minta sabsidi, macam Venezuela lah. Venezuela degil jadi masih merana lah. Sri Lanka macam mau terima syarat IMF sebab sudah hapuskan banyak sabsidi. Mungkin cerdik pandai Sri Lanka mulai sedar, sebab mereka sudah pernah rasa kehidupan sewaktu sabsidi di ganti dengan pemberian tunai terus. Kalau mereka teruskan saranan IMF, tidak mustahil Sri Lanka kembali maju, sebab perang sudah pun tamat. Mungkin dapat tanding Korea.
Pakistan dan Turki masih berdegil. Iran pernah ganti sabsidi dengan pemberian duit terus, dan kajian menunjukkan kemajuan ekonomi dan tahap hidup rakyat, tapi tidak menyeluruh. Sekarang, sudah di hapuskan sebab pemberian duit terlalu sikit pun, jadi kembali kepada sabsidi minyak lah. Nasib baik banyak minyak, tapi pembaziran yang di sebabkan oleh sabsidi merosakkan ekonomi Iran, macam Malaysia lah. Mustahil jadi negara maju, menjadi negara miskin baru lah. Bukti bukti pun sudah nampak di Malaysia.
Kenapa Korea bermasalah pula? Sebab melanggar hukum Allah lah. Price control. Malaysia mengamalkan price control untuk ayam, telur, beras lah. Kesan nya, hancur sudah industri industri ini, sebab pembuat nya di bunuh dengan kejam. Tapi orang masih tidak percaya, pada hal telur sudah susah pun mau dapat. Beras tempatan sudah tiada, semua impot. Tidak lama lagi ayam lah.
Satu lagi sebab adalah kenaikan bunga bank yang konon mengawal inflasi. Joe Blog ini tidak terangkan kenapa, tapi analisis nya ada lah conventional, iaitu, naik bunga untuk kawal inflasi konon. Tapi sekali aku tengok bunga pinjaman di Turki, sudah pun 100% tapi inflasi semakin naik juga. Sama lah dengan Korea.
Joe Blog ini, sama lah dengan ahli ekonomi lain, akan syorkan menaikkan bunga untuk kurangkan inflasi. Tapi mereka tidak periksa pula apa jadi di Zimbabwe dan Sri Lanka. Bunga sudah naik pun, tapi inflasi masih naik sampai beribu %.
Cathy Wood dan Elon Musk menentang kenaikan bunga untuk kawal inflasi yang di sebabkan perang di Ukraine. Saya pun setuju, tapi tidak di pedulikan oleh kerajaan kerajaan di dunia. Jadi, rasa lah di Korea. Tidak lama lagi USA. Samalah dengan Malaysia.
Alasan baru saya baca ialah Malaysia tidak naikkan bunga, cuma kembali kepada asal, sebelum pandemic. Sama lah dengan USA. Cathy Wood terangkan, masaalah nya kenaikan bunga terlalu cepat. Dia ramal berbulan sebelumnya bahawa kesan nya recession, iaitu harga jatuh, dan dia nampak kesan harga kereta second hand. Sudah terjadi pun terjadi di USA. Harga 2nd hand jatuh terus.
Elon pun ramal recession pada tahun 2023 disebabkan kenaikan bunga. Sebab itu sudah turunkan harga kereta nya. Tesla ok sebab banyak cash dan tiada hutang.
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Inflation is the greatest scam Betul apa yang dia cakap. Dia tidak terangkan kenapa orang kaya jadi bertambah kaya, tapi orang miskin bertambah miskin.
Dia salahkan bank, tapi sebenarnya, berpunca dari kerakusan orang biasa, yang kebanyakannya miskin. Orang miskin lah punca penipuan. Orang miskin ini mahu hidup senang tapi tidak peduli dari mana duit datang, macam penyokong Najib lah. Biar berhutang asal dapat kereta.
Tapi YouTube ini silap seolah olah deflation seperti yang terjadi di Jepun pun tidak baik. Salah. Deflation jauh lebih baik sebab ia adil. Deflation tidak menurunkan GDP kalau di nilai dari nilai matawang sebenar, bukan nilai nominal. Kalau nilai wang naik, iaitu deflation, harga barang turun lah, tapi productivity tidak turun. Kereta tetap kereta kan, walaupun harga turun.
Saturday, August 20, 2022
Subsidies Increase Inflation
The Star Online: Urban poor Malaysians forced to skip meals, sacrifice nutrition due to rising food costs.
(Economist and The Star columnist Anthony Dass recently wrote that in a discussion with Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry president Datuk N. Gopalakrishnan, a cup of teh tarik has increased by 54% to RM2, while roti canai was up by 67% to RM2.
Nayagam calls for a more comprehensive plan by the government to tackle the impact of rising costs among the urban poor.
Projects implemented also need to be monitored and accounted for in terms of their effectiveness, he urges.
“There are still many families who need help, and every month food aid has to go out. Something is not right.”)
This is the real inflation, over 50%.
All caused by Subsidies. Subsidies increase demand and therefore increase prices. Subsidies reduce production so cause more inflation. Subsidies destroy GDP and economy of Malaysia thun devalue RM, thus causing more inflation.
Thus theories that claim that subsidies cause less inflation in Malaysia is a lie. Even more subsidies in Turkey and Sri Lanka had not reduced their inflation and devaluing. Similarly with Malaysia. Their high interest rates also did not stop inflation because rental prices will be high. Malaysia also increases interest rate which will surely increase rentals but rental inflation has a delayed effect.
High interest rates also did not help Turkey with interest as high as 50%. Similarly for Sri Lanka, because subsidies increase demand artificially.
Removing subsidies will make prices appear high, but not really true because people no longer buy at these high prices, thus reducing inflation. The high prices also make people travel less and cook at home, increasing production, thus reducing inflation even more.
This is the reason why bisiness fear removal of subsidies. They have less business. But if you give cash handouts especially the poor, they will spend all the cash and thus stimulate the economy, creating real GDP, which strengthen the economy, and thus protects RM. Subsidies do not create GDP.
It is vital to give cash to people to spend, not save, which will happen if you give to the rich, those earning above rm10,000 per month. The rich do not need the extra cash, so if given, will just save money and therefore do not stimulate the economy.
As it is, in Malaysia, those earning rm10,000 and above are given rm10,000 per year on subsidies whereas the poor only get rm1,000 per year. This is so unfair and worse, destroy the economy of Malaysia i.e. its RM, not just destroying the poor.
Friday, August 5, 2022
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